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Founder, KorteX
3.5M followers top writer






"If you want practical strategies to maximize your own well-being, then create a profitable internet business around your passions, interests and curiosities – Goldfield is your guy."


Table of Contents

I spent the first 30 years of my life in a cage.

But no-one else could see it, much less free me from it.

It was a long, slow crawl to freedom, but I made it in the end—and it was worth it.

Now I help other people achieve their definition of freedom and success in a matter of days—and I want to see if I can do that for you through this post alone. But first, let me tell you how it all started for me

My earliest memories are of asking "why?"—in precisely the way a dedicated truth-seeker should. But there was no context for that kind of questioning in my English small-town culture, so my deepest curiosities were dismissed.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get anyone to tell me why they were placing so many rules on me.

So I struggled through 7 years of primary (junior) school before, on arrival at secondary (high) school, I found something that, by comparison to everything I’d been presented thus far, felt like freedom: I started playing drums.

I thought the path of the rock musician would be my escape, but I was wrong. To my surprise, my drum teacher was no different to my classroom teachers, who encouraged me to suffer through dull exam work now in exchange for some vague, abstract reward later.

But unlike my classroom teachers, my drum teacher had little power to stop me rejecting his methods. I refused to do things his way, instead aiming directly at my musical heroes and learning to play like them by osmosis. This felt like freedom compared to the classroom, but I didn't know at the time how many levels of cultural rules I’d have to contend with after school.

I couldn’t have expressed this at the time, but I knew in my gut that something very wrong was going on everywhere I looked: people were sacrificing their wellbeing for material success—and they weren’t even happy about it! Nonetheless, my broke, miserable, diabetic teachers had no problem telling me how I should live my life.

But once I escaped school I found that instead of sacrificing my wellbeing for academia, I was sacrificing it for musical development. I practised for hours every day through my teenage years with no guidance on how to protect my body. And eventually I "sold out", travelling hundreds of miles around the UK each weekend to play cover tunes I hated for very low pay. (Social media wasn’t a thing back then—the only way to survive as a musician was to play the gigs that were available.)

Approaching 30, I couldn't play for 5 minutes without my thoracic spine feeling like it was on fire. My shows were like torture, and the drives home were even worse.

So even though I tried to rebel, I couldn't escape the cultural trend of sacrificing wellbeing for success. Even among the rebels: the rock and jazz musicians, the "suffer now/reward later" dynamic was inescapable. This attitude was—and still is—so embedded into our culture that people didn’t even know they were trapped in it.

Now, you may know someone who's achieved material wealth and security by putting themselves through hell. And that person may be very well practised at displaying pride in those achievements. But most of these people can't be alone with their thoughts for even 30 seconds. In exchange for their "success", they twisted themselves so grotesquely out of shape that they can't even imagine what true satisfaction feels like. (You know the kind of satisfaction I'm talking about: the satisfaction that depends upon nothing—that cannot be attained, only revealed in stillness and quietude.)

Of course, our parents and schoolteachers couldn't have conceived of the world we live in now. That's why they presented us with such a narrow vision of life, and encouraged us to hide within its boundaries. Even as they saw the internet begin to revolutionize global culture, they were afraid of the unknown. That's natural. But that doesn't mean we have to continue to subscribe to their outdated world-view. In fact, our brightest future demands that we don't

In 2024, you no longer have to sacrifice your wellbeing to acquire wealth.

Of course, if you're someone who wants to amass as much money as possible, no matter the cost, there'll always be the option to work 16 hours a day. But if you're someone who just wants reasonable material success, good news: I'm proving that you're more capable of doing this when you put wellbeing first.

I already made 6 figures online with zero stress, and I'm going to prove that it's possible to do 7.

But how? Well, let's pick up where we left off in my story

The Solution to My Troubles

In 2015, I began studying Alexander Technique. My trainer in this niche discipline showed me that the physical pain I was experiencing was not caused by any illness or injury, nor by any circumstance but, rather, by me. I discovered that my pain was caused by tension, my tension was caused by stress, and my stress was caused by a constellation of faulty ideas I'd been stacking up since my earliest years.

Alexander Technique was my first introduction to the possibility of non-doing as an option in life, and my trainer was the first person who ever told me that I deserved to be well, physically and mentally. And further, he told me that becoming well was actually my best shot at the success I'd been seeking my whole life.

I didn't believe him.

But I'd reached the end of the road in my efforts to make things work the way my culture told me to. So I had no choice but to believe this man, who represented so radical a change of perspective for me that I had to re-examine everything I'd ever been told.

A year after beginning that study, I found my first dharma teacher—then things got really wild.

By prioritizing wellbeing in the deepest sense, I've enjoyed greater material success than I ever thought possible—without compromising my health, my values or my integrity. If I were to hop in a time machine and tell Dan of just 2 years ago that he was going to earn $10,000 in 48 hours he’d laugh in my face. But now it feels totally ordinary.

If you’ve been following me a while, you know how I’m doing it. I write about what's most important to me, the change I want to make in the world—openly and honestly. This, naturally, attracts like-minded people (like you). These people are at various stages in their own journeys, which means some of them are seeking guidance. They message me and ask for help. Then, if we're a really good fit, we do some work together. Working with these people is a dream because they care about the same things I do—and this means they're happy to pay me well for the help I give them. It's profoundly win/win.

6 Steps to Real Success

So how did I get from teaching people music for $40 an hour to teaching people how to change the world for $300? I’m going to lay it out for you

1. Stop

The first thing you have to do in this process is the thing everyone finds scariest. I was the same.

You have to stop what you're doing.

I know it might feel like everything will fall apart if you do. But I also know that if you're resonating with the earlier parts of my story above then what you're doing currently isn't working for you.

So you need some kind of practice that helps you to stop—in the broadest sense.

For me, it was first Alexander Technique. If you can find an Alexander Technique teacher within an organization called the Interactive Teaching Method then I strongly recommend visiting them. But if you can't, you're not lost.

My study and practice of dharma and, later, nonduality, was arguably more profound. Though, of course, I can't separate out the effects these 3 disciplines had on me. It was an intense 5 years studying them all.

But let me make it simple for you. To begin with, just do this guided meditation of mine.

2. Reset

Once you've found some space—in the mind, in the heart, on your calendar—now you can begin to reconsider the pieces of your life.

Here are some potent journal prompts to help you with this:

  1. Who are you? (Not "how do other people see you", but who are you as you experience yourself, in the deepest existential sense?)
  2. What do you love?
  3. What do you hate?
  4. If you could wave a magic wand, what one change would you make in the world?
  5. If you had $1 million in the bank, what would your daily routine be?

Answering these questions honestly will remind you of your core values. The degree to which your life circumstances involve compromising on these values is the degree to which you must change if you want to achieve real success, fulfilment, satisfaction.

3. Align

So now it's time to make some real changes.

What does your current life look like, compared to the life you illustrated in question 5 above? Write about the differences if you need to. Then plan—in baby steps—for how you're going to change your life to the ideal one you visualized.

Perhaps you're in a job that has no progression right now. Or perhaps there's progression, but it's out of alignment with your core values.

Perhaps your partner isn't ambitious and wants to settle down already. Or perhaps you never really felt the two of you were as compatible as you'd have liked.

This phase in people's journeys in typically difficult. On that Alexander Technique course I took, there was a trend among trainees: around the second year, a shocking number of them would break up with their partners. This was because it was in that second year that trainees started to change a lot. So they grew away from their partners.

If that hadn't happened to me, I'd never have broken up with my ex and met my wife. A good outcome, but the change was still hard at the time.

The Ultimate Alignment

If you've been reading my content, you'll know I'm a strong advocate for what I call the purpose-based business model. In this model, myself and my clients use the leanest, simplest, easiest means to:

  1. Represent the change we want to see in the world
  2. Communicate it to others
  3. Build an audience around it
  4. Facilitate the change at scale
  5. Profit

It just so happens that, right now, the best way to do this is through social media—X in particular, where ideas are king. If you want help starting or growing your purpose-based business, click here.

4. Plan

Once your heart, mind and circumstances are aligned with your gut, you can look to the future. Way into the future. Check out my previous post on how to design your 50-year purpose-based business plan.

5. Act

Once you have your plan, all you have to do is take one baby-step at a time. If you ever feel confused or overwhelmed, the solution is simple: break the current phase of your plan down into smaller steps.

Of course, this all requires a lot of high-order thinking and proactivity. This is why I always do this important work in the morning, when everyone else is in bed and distractions are minimal. This time is sacred. If you feel you don’t have this time, it’s vital that you create it—somehow, somewhere. You must be ruthless with your calendar. Axe an existing obligation and deal with the fact that someone’s not gonna like it. Pay someone to clean your house or mind your kids for a while.

The reason most people don’t do this is that the work I’m talking about here is important, but not urgent. It’s easier, in a way, to just start putting out fires from the moment you wake up—to do what everyone else wants you to do. Why? Because then you don’t have to think. You’ll live your whole life in a reactive, rather than a proactive state. And yes, that might seem easier day by day, but it’s a ticket to severe regret on your deathbed.

There’s great benefit in choosing and aligning with your heart mission. Not just for you, but for the millions of people you can benefit. Don’t let them down.

6. Acknowledge

This step is often neglected, but it’s very important:

Acknowledge your successes, no matter how small.

The winner effect is a well-known psychological phenomenon, which proves that when you acknowledge your successes, you prime yourself for more of them. Sadly, our culture programs us as children to do anything but acknowledge our successes. It punished us when we failed, and rewarded us for “taking part”. That’s a damaging duo. For growth to occur, failure must be framed as a learning opportunity, and success—though it doesn’t have to be grand—must be genuine.

So you must take matters into your own hands:

  • If you’re practising mindfulness, acknowledge the success of a mindful breath
  • If you’re writing content, acknowledge the success of a published tweet
  • If you’re serving clients, acknowledge the success of a fulfilled deliverable

This activates positive reinforcement, and it will change your whole freaking life.

Time to Build Your Utopia

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this post, it’s that there’s no real success without fulfilment.

We’ve all heard the stories of miserable millionaires.

No amount of money, nor any other traditional metric of success, has the power to make you feel successful.

If it did, every rich person would be fulfilled, content, satisfied. Everyone who had money would feel successful. But they don’t.

You must decide what your definition of success is, then go after it without compromise using the steps above.

If you need help with this, I’m here to serve you. This is what I do with my existing clients, who are all awakening to the deepest truth of their being—then building their purpose-based businesses on that unshakeable foundation.

To explore whether doing some work with me is right for you, click here. We’ll explore some questions about where you’re at and where you’d like to go, then see if teaming up would help you to get there quicker.

With love from my desk,


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Previous Issues of
The Freetirement Files

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How Spirituality Earns You Money

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How I Earn $10K/mo Teaching Spirituality

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How I Made $100K on X

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How to Make Peace With Death

(And Use It to Enhance Your Life)

The leaves fall from the trees in autumn, but we don’t rush around trying to stick them back on.Yet when it comes to our own death, we feel that it’s somehow wrong. One of the main purposes of spiritual practice is to make peace with death. Let’s do a little contemplation together right now.

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Turn Your Problems Into Profits

(How to Give People What They Need)

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The Self-Help Cheat Code

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How to Make a Living on Social Media

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The FIRST Thing to do About Any Problem

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The One Question You Must Answer

(Before You Can Find True Happiness)

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How to "Freetire" Yourself

(Without Leaving Your Sofa)

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The Real Reason You Can't Stick to Anything

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How to Get the Ultimate Perspective on Yourself

(Let Go of Your Emotional Baggage)

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How to Take Back Control of Your Life

(In Just 3 Weeks)

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How to Get, Have, and Be Anything You Want

(Without Even Trying)

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5 Relationship Tips From a Guy Who Married a Psychologist


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How to Delete The 6 Mind Viruses That Keep You Poor, Sick & Miserable

(In Just 12 Weeks)

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How I Meditated My Way to Freetirement at 36

(Retirement Is For Losers)

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How to Earn More Money By Relaxing

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 but because it doesn’t f„cking work—not in the 21st century. Here's the better way to boost your income (without busting your balls)...

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3 Lessons on Happiness From a Senior Monk

(And How They Saved Me From Depression)

i spent the whole of my 20’s in chronic pain. and the solutions i was trying were digging me into a pit of depression. 29,366 hours of mindfulness later, things are pretty f„cking different. Here are the 3 best lessons I learned on happiness from my ~300 hours in one-to-one conversation with a senior monk.

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How to Release Trauma In Meditation

(Heal Your Inner Child)

I grew up terrified of sex. But millennial British culture told me i had to get as much of it as I could (and more). So for 15 years I tried everything to get laid—for all the wrong reasons. Much later, in deep meditation, I had an encounter with my inner child that put everything right. 2 weeks later, I met the woman who would become my wife. Here's what I did to make myself ready for her.

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How to 48X Your Meditation in 4 Weeks

(Without Going On Retreat)

The average meditator aims for 15 mindful minutes per day. So what about the other 945? If you really want true happiness, you're going to have to learn to be present in EVERY moment. Good news: this isn't as hard as it sounds. Let me explain...

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10 Mindfulness Success Stories

(For The Doubters & Procrastinators)

If mindfulness feels like a chore you're doing it wrong. You need proper motivation. And nothing is better motivation than a good success story. So here's 10...

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Here's Why You Need "Spiritual Practice"

(It's Simpler Than You Think)

I have a student who feels free and easy for a while but then falls back into a familiar mental trap. If this sounds like you, we need to make sure you're clear on what spiritual practice is, what it can do for you, and how to proceed with it (so you're not just going round in circles).

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1 Step to Instant Enlightenment

(The Direct Path to Effortless Wellbeing)

You don't have to meditate for years. You don't have to develop wholesome qualities. You don't have to contemplate the nature of reality. All you have to do is recognize what's already true. Here's how...

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Do This When You're Stuck In Life Or Business

(7 Steps to Finding Your Perfect Mentor)

Without the guidance i’ve received throughout my life i’d be a drunk, broke, fat, lazy mess. Intelligent co-operation is the unique edge of our species, and nowhere is this more obvious than in our ability to learn from one another. if you’ve never had a mentor, you're WAY behind where you could be in life. But it’s not too late. Here's how to get the guidance you need, step-by-step...

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How to Perform Like The Top .1%

(Without Beating Yourself Up)

Millions of people squeeze a 20-minute meditation into their morning routine, then hope it’ll sustain their performance throughout the day. They may as well believe in magic. Here's how to GUARANTEE consistent peak performance (without hustling yourself into burnout).

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3 Steps to Realize Ultimate Wellbeing

(The Simplest Way to Ditch Your Emotional Baggage)

Most people overcomplicate spiritual awakening. But in the 21st century, we're finally able to cross-reference wisdom from different cultures, ditch the baggage, apply modern science and get down to what really works. Follow these 3 steps to cut the cr^p and ditch your anxiety, depression and self-hatred for good.

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The Biggest Challenge In My Spiritual Journey

(Save a Year by Skipping This)

If you've ever been confused about which spiritual practice to commit to, you're not alone. I spent a whole f„cking YEAR looping on this. But the solution was right under my nose the whole time. Let me give it to you right now (and save you a lot of headaches)...

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How to Make Friends & Enjoy Win/Win Arrangements

(Without Even Trying)

Everything great that humans have achieved has been achieved by teamwork. Unfortunately, many people struggle to unlock their true friend-making potential because of insecurity, doubt and anxiety. Here's a simple 3-step process you can use to delete your fears and start getting all the benefits of collaboration.

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How to Stop Wasting Your Time In Meditation

(7 Insights to Save You 1000 Hours of Practice)

Over 8 years, I spent 29,366 hours experimenting with every mindfulness technique available. I checked my results with a senior monk and a neuropsychologist. Want to know a secret? Meditation isn’t necessary. Contemplate these 7 insights. If you understand them, you can save yourself a lot of time.

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How to Avoid The #1 Cause of Stress

(3 Steps to Avoid Early Death)

A 2012 study by NHS Scotland found that "psychological distress is associated with increased risk of mortality from several major causes." It's proven: stress is literally a matter of life or death. Here's how to get out of the trap (and stay out).

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How to Get What You Want In Life

(3 Steps to Stop Feeling Lost)

Unless you know what you want, it’s impossible to get it. Sounds obvious, but you’d be amazed how many of my 1,000+ one-to-one students have been confused on this subject. Here's how to find your north star and get on the road to a life of wealth, freedom, love and inspiration.

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How To Attract Your Perfect Life-Partner

(Avoid the #1 Killer of Attraction)

A strong romantic partnership is the ultimate team. Sadly, most people never even meet their perfect partner—let alone attract them and make them happy for a lifetime. Here's how to make sure you don't miss out on the most significant relationship you'll ever have.

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How to Maintain Healthy Social Boundaries

(The Power of Saying No)

The main reason you struggle to say "no" is fear of what will happen if you do. But have you ever seen things going badly for someone who has their boundaries dialled in? Me neither. Here's how to value your time properly and take it back (before you run out of it altogether)...

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